March 12, 2009

help, i'm alive.

It's been approximately a month since I've blogged about anything on here and I feel awfully obliged to get back to writing via the interweb.  For all you kids who care enough to be looking at these words on your screen: I apologize for being standoffish.  I apologize for being neglectful.  I apologize for being in any way awkward.  That's all.  My roommate and I have been sleeping at 6 every morning and waking up way into the afternoon and it's rather unhealthy.  Not advised at all.  We managed to talk about a lot of things in various states of mind and I can't say that I regret any minute of it.  One word of wisdom: don't talk too openly when you're on some kind of alcohol.. or drugs if you're into that aspect of college living.  ANYWAY.

The Tadashi Shoji show was wonderful.  It was nice to actually have been able to attend a runway show at the Bryant Park tents.  The friend I went with decided it would be a good idea to wear a fur coat, thus resulting in us getting ambushed by the paparazzi outside and whilst waiting in the standing room only line.  People kept asking for pictures, and on some level it was a nice self-esteem boost.  Who wouldn't think so?  Though it's kind of ironic considering if we were by any chance people of importance, we sure as hell wouldn't be standing in line waiting for the show.  I don't think I saw any celebrity faces on the front row, but I can't be too sure.  We did, however, manage to steal some of the pink apple decor (for souvenirs of course) and see Ray J.  Epic?  Not really, but it was a good experience.

On a personal level, I was given the hook up to be a style ambassador for Topshop New York and am attending a training meeting on March 22nd.  I'm not quite sure what it entails but I do know that we will be getting free clothing and are presumably going to sit around and talk about street fashion and trends, or something of the like.  Another friend of mine from school has offered me the chance to do a PR internship for Twinkle by Wenlan, which I am quite excited about.  I'm kind of apprehensive because I don't want to completely mess up my first chance at an internship.  I don't know if it will be substantial considering I'll only be in the city for maybe three more months for school.  Plans for the summer are still shaky, but hopefully I'll be able to get an apartment and stay here for some of June and July, or early August.  What else... oh, I also plan on getting a job at some point.  I feel bad for having my parents pay for everything just so I can be a bum college kid.  I think it's time to actually build things up for my resume this early on so I can advance into the industry later on.  Things are looking optimistic.  I just need to get past my mental rut.  Eventually.

Below are some pictures from the Tadashi Shoji show.  I used a point and shoot so the quality isn't all that fab, especially on the last one.  I just wanted to add that one in because I like it for some aesthetic reason.  It's pretty.

More on the Tadashi Shoji show?  Here.  

Music choice for the evening?  A new song from one of my all-time favorites Metric, a.k.a one of the few soundtracks of my high school years.  Major girl crush on vocalist Emily Haines.  Seriously, though.  Look at her.  Easy.

1 comment:

Sarah&Meg said...

im jealous of mostly everything you've talked about in this post haha