April 9, 2009


Once in awhile we come across something so different that we can't help but become speechless when asked to talk about it.  tUnE-YaRdS has that exact effect.  I can't exactly decide on how to categorize Merrill Garbus' one-woman-band.  Experimental?  Oh, definitely something along those lines.  There's an intimacy and rawness in every song of her debut album BiRd-BrAiNs.  One of those creatives who just simply does not give a fuck and, because of this, manages to release something so strange and bizarre and beautiful.  Haunting almost.  These tracks aren't going to appeal to popular taste, but I find them to be worth a listen.  If we're on the same page, you won't be able to stop listening to some of these tracks.  And they will linger in the back of your head (especially when the track When You Tell the Lions), making you only want to listen to them again. Give it a go.  It's something different and it sure as hell is working.  All of these tracks were home-recorded... so all of you struggling musicians complaining about not having equipment have no excuses.  This is going to be an indie gem, you can already tell right from the get-go.  Catch her early on before she breaks into consciousness. 

tUnE-YaRdS:        when you tell the lions
       little tiger

on some bullshit

Nina Sky is back.  What?
I'm sure you remember them from "Move Ya Body" status.

nina sky: on some bullshit (dirty)

I must say, they are looking rather good.  
Single is def radio friendly, no?

I'm going to go ahead and say that I like it.  There's major potential for a fantastic remix from this song.  Hopefully that's something we'll see in the near future.  Going right before the chorus I can totally see it going into Danity Kane territory.  Someone should get in on that.  Maybe I'll go invest in a drum machine and some equipment or something.

April 6, 2009

colouring in

Michael Jackson meets Hercules and the Love Affair meets... you?

Soon to come...
Playlist dump composing of some kickin' tunes.

April 5, 2009

an instance of inspiration

... or rather 3 minutes and 59 seconds of it.

This song embodies a good portion of my high school years.  All the small things we used to think were so majestic.  And in many ways they were.  I wouldn't take a single moment back, and I'm glad there are so many bits and pieces to think back on and laugh about.  Summer used to be something that I dreaded for fear of a lack of enthusiasm, but now I realize that there is nothing more I'd like than to get to see those familiar faces all over again.  Former life, you've been fun, I'd like to meet up for coffee again sometime.

datarock meets weird tapes

So it has been just short of legitimately being 48 hours since I've landed back in Dallas and I'm already missing what New York had to offer.  I miss the faces.  I miss the places.  I miss the little things that filled the space in between the two.  To be honest, I don't really have anything much interesting to say or report (for the moment) but wanted to post a song.  Das all.

Deal with, 
and give me some of your compassion while you're at it.

A personal update?  
I dyed my hair to a darker color, which looks quite lovely if I do say so myself, and plan on laying out in the sun to maybe get a tan at some point.  Perhaps cut my hair and buy some new clothes?  We'll see.  Most likely all of the above and then some.  
I hope spring break has been pleasant for all of us who were handed ours slightly later than everyone else.  Such awkward timing.  
I am beginning to find a lot of things amusingly awkward.  
Don't ask me why, but I'm rather enjoying it.

You know what's awkward?
... when this shit happens in front of people.

April 4, 2009

fagget fairys feed the horse

Danish duo Fagget Fairys deliver more raunchiness than most people can handle on a given night.  Unless you're part of that crowd that's experienced the debauchery of New York nightlife.. all those kids who I've shared a Cain Wednesday with know exactly what's up.  Anyway, I may have potentially found a new favorite.  Fagget Fairys is composed of 19-year-old avid badass partier (and model) Ena and equally talented/riot havoceur Sensimilla.  Yes, they are both girls.  Yes, they are with each other.  Yes, it's probably unexplainably envy worthy.

There's something about this song and video that absolutely hypnotizes.  
Give it a try... Watch it, listen to it.  
I'll even make it easy for you.

fagget fairys: feed the horse

And yes, the title probably is a play between the words horse and whores.  Did I mention they met on the dancefloor?

On a side note, I would kill for some of the outfits in this video.

kate moss, topshop, and new york.

Finally the invasion has arrived with the long awaited opening of Topshop in New York City's very own SoHo.  As soon as word spread about who would be doing the honors of cutting the ribbon-- need I say?  Moss, in all of her glory-- people were more than eager to line up from 7 in the morning until the official opening of the store's doors at 11.  Initially I planned on appearing at the Broadway and Broome location earlier on so I could catch a glimpse of gorgeous Kate, or even be within her proximity, but my roommate and I decided it would somehow be a good idea to stay up until 4am.  I was lucky enough to have even been able to wake up and be there by a half hour after its opening.  Oh god, if you could have only seen the line.  Literally it was so disorienting that I couldn't figure out where it began and where it ended.  Thank god for being chosen as a college ambassador for Topshop's campaign.. basically being that I send them e-mails about street trends, cause hype, and get free things in reward.  I was able to count on Jane from JellyNYC to escort me into the building without the hassle of the line.  Once inside, it was total chaos and amazement.  In the most cheesiest of fashions, I remembered the greatest perk of being a girl.  Shopping.  It was one of those moments of a natural and unexplainable (possibly unhealthy) high.  I stalled around and bought a few things and waited until my friend Emily arrived, who didn't have Jane's number so I had to leave the store to go get her.  We reunited, called Jane, and were led to a back entrance to the store where the line was ending (by this time of the day it was around 2pm and the line wasn't so horrible but still barely tolerable) and received many questionable and presumably not-so-nice looks.  Two hours later, and a few minutes before the Misshapes appeared to DJ, we left and picked up lunch composed of waaay too many calories to even recount.  My morning began disheveled, blurred towards ecstatic, and began crashing towards the realization that a nap was in order and no one should ever consume that amount of food.

Oh, I forgot to mention the cherry on top of it all.  The opening of Topshop New York was perfected with the launch of Kate Moss' S/S 2009 line.  Absolutely desirable!

To those wondering, yes, that picture above does say:
"Garments are limited to five per customer."

Howabout some completely dance-worthy music?  You'll maybe want to download these before a night out or for that hour long subway ride to Coney Island.  