February 5, 2009

spring semester and a japanese bear

I apologize for the lack of updates on my part, but I seem to have found myself in an intense school-oriented setting.  No explanations as to why I suddenly decided to get my act together, but I'm quite happy with the results.  I really do adore the classes I'm taking this year, save one or two (I'm talking about you Macroeconomics.)  Finally, it feels like I actually am taking courses at the FIT and not just a school masquerading under the name.  I have the pleasure and humbling opportunity of having Elaine Stone as one of my professors, who is just absolutely captivating and incredibly knowledgeable.  I also realized that having night classes is in my best interests considering that all the FMM girls have decided to change out of their Juicy sweatpants after 6PM.  It's lovely.  I have some doctors and business owners in my night classes who are more than willing to share their experiences in relation to whatever we're studying in class.  Completely beneficial for us young'ns, yeah?

In about an hour I have Fashion Art and Design with some entertaining kids so I'm looking forward to that.  I think it may be my favorite class next to Professor Stone's.  Things are looking up this semester.  Everything is in check for once.

Teddy bear.
I don't have time right now to upload a song but I will do so soon.  Swear.

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