January 15, 2009

seemed like a dream... no, better.

Before you read this, you should probably know that this all happened in 2006.  Not recently.  I just stumbled across the pictures and felt compelled to put them up somewhere a.k.a here.

     When I was younger, I looked forward to the day my size 5 shoes would become introduced to European soil/gravel/horse dung.  It was never a possibility that I was being frivolous.  I knew that it was only an issue of time for my dream to become a reality.  My plan was to fit in as convincingly possible amongst the locals.  Language barrier?  No problem.  I would pretend as if i were a deaf local if I needed to.  If I was ever confronted or asked a question, I'd simply justshake my head and look around alarmingly as if I were waiting for Chris Hansen to save me.  Eaaaasy.

Eventually, I did get my wish... albeit not under the circumstances I imagined.

     Filipinos-- you know, those tricky ones who look like they might be Spanish, but then again not.. or maybe like a little bit but with a tad of (ethnicity here)-- tend to be very tightknit.  If you don't believe me, take a trip down to Dallas and I'll introduce you to at least 50 people who I am not related to in any way, shape, or form, but have known for practically the entirety of my childhood.  I've seen these same faces through parties, birthdays, dinners, banquets, performances, etc.  Actually, I went to go play laser tag with my favorites the other day.


    Two of our family friends' families children were getting married..waaait, that is so difficult to understand.  I'll make it easier.  Family A has a daughter who is in love with Family B's son, so they are getting married.  Capiche?  Lovey dovies decide to get married in Italy and BAM, dream becomes reality in motion.  We, my family, buy our tickets to go to Italy and figure, "Hey, we're already there... why don't we just go ahead and visit some neighboring countries during?"  I was estatic.

   I forget exactly how much a pain in the ass the flight was to get there... and whether or not I had difficulty in figuring how to pack my belongings but I do know for a fact that I brought practically all my clothes.  God forbid I look tacky in Europe, right?  Most likely I sleep throughout our flight and we land in Chicago for a plane transfer.  Resume.  Eventually, after hours and hours of derriére numbing, we land at La Guardia airport and proceed to claim our baggage.  Waiting... waiting... wait, seriously?... wait.. pacing... Oh, what the fuck, could it be?  
They've lost our luggage.

     At this point I am livid.  As a girl, you have to understand that I have lost, a) practically all my clothing, b) all my good makeup, and c) any hope of retaining dignity while I am in Europe.  We get the airport to check on our baggage and turns out it's hanging out somewhere in Chicago.  'Maybe.'  There's no guarantee we'll ever get our stuff back but, hey, they could compensate us for a monetary fraction of our belongings.

   I manage to pull together my composure and come to the realization that there's really nothing I can do at this point, and so my family and I just get on with our trip-- deciding not to worry about our troubles until we had to.  Which would be soon.  Did I mention we were going to a wedding?  Oh, I also forgot to say earlier that my parents were chosen as the couple's sponsors, meaning they'd have to somehow manage without their belongings.  My parents at least had their formal attire with them, sans shoes and embellishments.  Thankfully we were in the company of our good ol' crew and people were more than willing to offer their help towards our finding temporary replacements and the wedding went through perfectly.

     The wedding took place in perhaps the most gorgeous place I have ever visited: Assissi, Italy.  Assissi appears as a heavenly city resting on top of a hilltop, with its secrets hiding somewhere along each sequentially rising alley, fountainhead, and home.  Around midday, children are out playing soccer nearby churches and fountains as their elders rest against buildings and structures, looking out towards the grapevines and greenery.  AND!  That was a horrendous sentence so I will appease by giving you pretty things to look at.

     Throughout our duration, my family was able to go around both Italy and France.  Needless to say, we were without our familiar belongings and had to rely on purchasing replacements until the issue was settled.  In the end, we managed to eventually get our belongings back a week or so after we had given up all hope on ever seeing them again.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself, even though I lacked the image I preferred to present.  It was everything I had imagined it to be, minus having to pretend to be the local mute.  
Did I mention I also got my iPod stolen during this vacation?  
I suspect the nuns who fed us.

I plan on returning sometime in the near future.  
When it happens &there will be more pictures to share.

And, yes, I know... I am not a photographer.  Not even an amateur at that.

alaska in winter: berlin

Artists all beginning with the letter "A' and referencing some element of Europe.  Touché.

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